We are pleased to provide you with the essential guidelines and instructions for your upcoming face-to-face presentation of your abstract/paper at the PIANC-COPEDEC 10th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries in Manila, Philippines. Please carefully review the following detailed information on the presentation format, timing, and other important details to ensure a successful and impactful presentation at the event:
The draft program is now available on the website. Please access the link below:
The conference app will be provided to you during the registration on October 9, 2023 at the venue, Philippine International Convention Center (PICC).
Presentations have been allocated a 30-minute timeslot. This is based on a 20-minute presentation, followed by 7
minutes of questions and answers, and 3 minutes for changeover (transfer). Please ensure that you adhere to this
timing to ensure a smooth-running conference. There will be integrated controlled timing across all 3
technical session rooms.
Please prepare your slides in 16:9 (widescreen) format. Where possible, please upload your presentation and bio
note on or before October 2, 2023 to this link:
If you cannot upload your presentation prior to the conference, please bring your presentation with you on a USB.
Further, the presenting author shall consider the following when submitting presentations:
* The presentation slides shall be created in .ppt format.
* The first slide should show the paper title, author/s name and affiliation.
* Every slide should contain a subtitle that summarizes the information presented on the slide.
* For color scheme, contrast is important. It is recommended to use dark text on a light background.
* Keep the background simple. Avoid backgrounds that make the text difficult to read.
* Use a simple, uncluttered background for your presentation.
* Use bullet points and left-align them. The presenter will provide elaboration about the subject matter.
* Avoid too much information on a slide.
* Leave one line of space between bullet points.
* Avoid ALL CAPITAL letters. Use upper- and lower-case letters.
* Stick to a familiar font (Arial1 B+ point size preferred for readability and consistency).
* Include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Variety keeps the presentation interesting.
* Make sure that your graphs and charts are easy for the audience to read.
* Focus on one idea per slide.
* Use of 1-2 slides per minute is the normal speed.
* It is strongly advised to keep your presentation within the scope of the paper material.
Following are instructions of the audio-visual procedure involved for your presentation:
* On arrival, please check-in at the conference registration desk at least one hour before the session commences
that you are scheduled to present in. If for any reason you are unable to meet this requirement, please discuss an
alternative arrangement with the PSC Secretariat/Secretariat.
* Make your way to the room where you are presenting to meet with the chairperson and other speakers at least 15
minutes prior to the start of your session.
* The laptop will be located on the side table next to the lectern. If you are not familiar with this equipment, visit the
room early or speak to the Technician for assistance.
* Microphones will be on all the time. There is no need to switch them on. In the unlikely event of a problem, the
Technician will attend to it. The problem will be fixed as fast as possible. While this is being done you should
continue with your presentation.
* Ensure that you keep to the program timetable and do not exceed the allotted time for your presentation to avoid
being requested to conclude early by the session chair.
* There will be an AV operator in constant attendance within the conference session rooms.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if there is anything we can assist you with in preparation for your presentation. We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
Kind regards,
PSC Secretariat