International Organizing Committee is composed of the following members:
Mr. Freddy Wens (CoCom)
Mr. Geert Van Cappellen (PIANC HQ)
Mr. Hartmut Bruehl (CoCom)
Mr. Louis Van Schel (PIANC HQ)
Mr. Gary Mocke
Mr. Raul Escalante
Mr. Hector Estrella Miole
Mr. Mohammadreza Allahyar
Mr. Jay Daniel R. Santiago, Gen Manager of PPA
- Belgium - Chairman
- Belgium - Secretary General of PIANC, Member
- Germany - Member
- Belgium - Member
- South Africa - Member
- Argentina - Member
- Philippines - Member
- Iran - Member
- Philippines - Chairman of Local Organizing Committee (LOC)​
The International Organising Committee (IOC) will consist of seven members, three members from countries transition, two members from industrialized countries, the PIANC Secretary General and the Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC).
All members of the IOC must be individual or corporate members of PIANC.
The IOC will appoint a chairman, preferably from a country in transition, who will automatically become a member of the PIANC Cooperation Commission (CoCom). The secretariat of the IOC will be provided by the local host.
The International Organising Committee shall:
Arrange, in consultation with PIANC HQ and CoCom, for the PIANC-COPEDEC conferences to be held at four yearly intervals in between PIANC congresses, in selected venues in countries in transition.
Take initiatives to activate participation from countries in transition at the conferences.
Assist the Local Organising Committee (LOC) and render advice and technical support to the host country in conference planning.
Solicit bilateral and international co-sponsors for fellowships for the Conferences together with PIANC headquarters and CoCom.
Organize a Paper Selection Committee (PSC) and Fellowship Award Committee (FAC) in preparation of each conference.
Provide drafts of the 1st , 2nd and 3rd Announcements (proposal of content see annex 4) and format for the printing of the Abstracts and make final decision about the design and editing of the Paper Proceedings (CD).
Compose and execute the Technical Programme of the PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences, including the selection of session chairpersons and keynote speakers, together with assisting staff provided by LOC.
Decide on registration costs for the coming Conference in consultation with the LOC.
Decide on the organization of a short course, especially for students and young fellows of Least Developing Countries.
Prepare and supply a full evaluation report on each conference to PIANC/CoCom and a financial statement to PIANC Haedquarters and to the main sponsors within six months after the closure of the conference.