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We value all our sponsorships, as they play a vital role in delivering a successful conference and in supporting its legacy.
Our ability to host such conferences on coastal and port engineering in a developing country an event relies on the companies and members that will participate and support our organization throughout the year. We would like to extend an opportunity to register as Exhibitors and Sponsors prior to opening the Conference up to the public for registration.
Please find the below details regarding Sponsorship Package availability, Event Sponsorship, and Exhibitor Registration.
Conference Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship for the Icebreaker reception for all participants
Including conference speakers, delegates and partners
Venue of sponsor's choice, subject to approval of organizers

Sponsorship of lunch for all delegates and conference speakers, which will comprise of a three-course buffet meal with soft drink.

Sponsorship of the registration kit.
This provides the sponsor with the opportunity to brand the registration desk, visible to all participants of the event on arrival.

Sponsorship of a Cultural Dinner for all participants
Including conference speakers, delegates and partners
Venue of sponsor's choice, subject to approval of organizers
Deposit / Payment Details for the Sponsorship
Please deposit/wire transfer your payment to the account details below.
Account Name : PPA-PIANC
Account number : 000-282-1053-73
Bank name and address : Landbank of the Philippines
Railroad Drive, Port Area, Manila
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