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Members & Speakers


Paper Selection Committee

Prof. Ron Cox

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Member of Paper Selection Committee

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Prof. Ron Cox has been a PIANC member for more than 30 years and concurrently represented PIANC on Engineers Australia National Committee on Coastal and Ocean Engineering (NCCOE).


Prof. Ron Cox has generously brought his more than 45 years of professional, academic, and organizational experience in coastal, ocean, environmental engineering, and climate change adaptation to his work as a Board member of PIANC Australia and New Zealand, as a member of PIANC’s Permanent Task Group of Climate Change (PTGCC), the Environmental Commission (EnviCom) and of Co-Com – PIANC’s International Co-operation Commission. He has been and is a very active supporter/organizer of PIANC A&NZ conferences and workshops, and an effective liaison person between PIANC and other professional organizations and institutions.


Prof. Ron Cox has attended all COPEDEC conferences since the first in Columbo in 1983. He has been a longstanding and active member of the Paper Selection Committee and is presently the Chair.


Prof. Tomoya Shibayama

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Member of Paper Selection Committee


Prof. Tomoya Shibayama has been engaged in tsunami and storm surge disaster mitigation studies for more than 40 years, through the use of hydraulic laboratory experiments, field surveys and numerical simulations. He served as team leader of post-disaster survey teams for all major tsunami and storm surge events in the past fifteen years, including the Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004), the Tohoku Tsunami (2011) or the Storm Surge due to Typhoon Haiyan (2013), amongst others. Over the years, he has helped many international research teams to conduct such field surveys, especially in developing countries, where he has conducted many of these activities. In recent times he has delivered the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) "Tsunamis and Storm Surges: Introduction to Coastal Disasters" from Edx. Through this course, he teaches the most advanced knowledge regarding coastal disasters to students throughout the world. Formerly, he was the Editor-in-Chief of Coastal Engineering Journal (CEJ), the Chairman of Ocean Engineering Committee, JSCE and the President of Japan Federation of Ocean Engineering Societies.  He is now serving as the President of Japan Association for Coastal Zone Studies. He is the winner of 2019 Hamaguchi International Award For Enhancement of Tsunami/Coastal Disaster Resilience.

Prof. Han Ligteringen
The Netherlands

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Member of Paper Selection Committee

Han Literingen

Prof. Han Ligteringen has more than 45 years of experience in ports, coastal and hydraulic engineering, including national and regional port master plans, planning and design of individual ports, design of breakwaters and other port related structures. Besides his work as a consultant he has served from 1995-2011 in the Chair of Ports and Waterways at Delft University of Technology and from 1980-2014 at IHE in Delft. He continues to give courses on port planning and design in many countries.


Author of the handbook “Ports and Terminals” and of more than 100 papers on subjects related to the above areas of expertise.


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Dr. Gary Mocke
South Africa

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Member of Paper Selection Committee


Dr. Gary Mocke has over 37 years of experience as a Coastal & Port engineering specialist, his career spanning roles in academic research, client advisory, consulting engineering, and construction. This has provided him with the appreciation and knowledge of technological advances as well as the practical technical & commercial understanding of designing and delivering Ports & Coastal developments. His current focus is on delivering innovative port & shipping solutions for the transport and export of Green fuels such as Hydrogen.


Gary has been a member of the PIANC-COPEDEC International Organizing Committee (IOC) and convenor of the Paper Selection Committee (PSC) in all 5 PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences since the landmark event in Cape Town in 1999.


He has significant experience in managing coastal & Port engineering studies & engineering developments in developing countries, most particularly on the African continent. He has participated in several specialist courses, including convening Short Courses for a number of the PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences, also acting as an external reviewer for academic engineering programs as well as graduate-level dissertations. Most recently he has for several years participated as a member of the advisory review panel for The Netherlands Government sponsored NWO academic-industry research program covering the regeneration of urban delta regions of the world.

Prof. Charitha Pattiaratchi
Sri Lanka - Australia

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Member of Paper Selection Committee


Prof Pattiaratchi has more than 40 years of experience working on coastal systems encompassing both science and Engineering and is currently a Professor of Coastal Oceanography at The University of Western Australia.


Prof Pattiaratchi’s research encompasses coastal ocean physical processes and their influence on climatic, biological, and geological processes in estuaries, the nearshore (beach) zone, and the continental shelf region. He uses field measurements, remote sensing, and computer modeling as the tools of his research. Prof Pattiaratchi has expanded on his fundamental research capability to make significant contributions to the development of coastal engineering solutions to local environmental problems in Australia and Sri Lanka. He has supervised over 70 postgraduate research students and 20 post-doctoral researchers. He has published over 500 articles which include more than 200 in peer-reviewed international journals.


Prof Pattiaratchi has attended most COPEDEC conferences since the first in Colombo in 1983. And has served on the Paper Selection Committees of many of the major coastal engineering conferences globally, including COPEDEC, ICCE and ICOMAS.

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Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano
Dr. of Eng., M. ASCE

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Member of Paper Selection Committee

Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano is at present the Chair and Professor of the Civil Engineering Department of the Gokongwei College of Engineering at the De La Salle University, Philippines. He obtained his M. Eng. and D. Eng. (Civil Engineering) from Tokyo City University, Japan and his MS in civil engineering (structural) from the De La Salle University. He was involved as a Consulting Wind Engineer of the World Bank Project on the Assessment of the Multi-hazard Vulnerability of Priority Cultural Heritage Structures in the Philippines. As a member of ASEP Loads and Action Committee of the National Structural Code of the Philippines, Dr. Garciano helped developed the new wind contour maps of the Code. Dr. Garciano has contributed to various national and international conferences and meetings in the field of risk analysis and reliability theory. His research interests include wind, earthquake and flood hazard analysis, reliability theory, risk engineering and reliability theory. His research interests include wind, earthquake and flood hazard analysis, reliability theory, risk engineering, and Bayesian updating methods.

Dr. Eric C. Cruz

Professor at University of the Philippines



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Member of Paper Selection Committee

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Dr. Eric C. Cruz - Professor and Semirara Professorial Chair in Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal, Engineering Group, Institute of Civil Engineering in University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City 1101, Philippines


Specialization: Coastal Engineering; Coastal Hydrodynamics and Structures; Nearshore Process Modeling

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Dr. Mario P. De Leon
Professor at De La Salle University

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Member of Paper Selection Committee

Dr. Mario P. De Leon is currently an Associate Professor of the Civil Engineering Department of the Gokongwei College of Engineering at De La Salle University, Philippines. He obtained his MEng degree Specializing in Environmental Science and Technology from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education in the Netherlands and Ph.D. degree Specializing in Coastal Engineering from Kagoshima University in Japan He was involved in a Joint Field Survey Team of Typhoon Haiyan 2013 with professors and coastal engineers from universities in Japan and Vietnam. His research interests include coastal processes, shore protection, and nearshore hydrodynamics.



Prof. Ron Cox  -  Chairman (Australia)

Prof. Dr. Han Ligteringen  -  Member (Netherlands)

Prof. Charita Pattiaratchi  -  Member (Sri Lanka)

Prof. Tomoya Sgibayama  -  Member (Japan)

Dr. Gary Mocke  -  Member (South Africa)

Dr. Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano - PSC Member (Philippines)

Dr. Eric C. Cruz - PSC Member (Philippines)

Dr. Mario P. De Leon - PSC Member (Philippines)

Mr. Christopher H. Ornum - Secretariat (Philippines)

Mr. Juluis Izhrael Villena   -  Secretariat (Philippines)





  • The Secretariat will receive, group and distribute to the PSC all abstracts of papers received from and inform authors of selection or non-selection of their papers;

  • Based on experience, some 300-400 abstracts can be expected;

  • The abstracts will be evaluated by the PSC;

  • The final goal is to have some 200 to 220 accepted abstracts for presentation and some 30 abstracts for poster presentation;




  • The PSC Secretariat will receive, group and distribute to the PSC members all abstract of papers received (all abstract will be distributed to all PSC members with indication for which abstracts they should give remarks;

  • Each abstract will be reviewed by two members of the PSC, giving a scale of 1 to 5 eventually making recommendations on the content and suggesting in the improved use of English language as well as on the combining of papers having similar subject matter or site locations;

  • In the event that a member feels the paper is to specialized, he may pass it on the Secretary of the PSC, who will in turn with the guidance of the Chairman PSC take appropriate action;

  • The Rating can be described as follows:

  • “5” – Excellent paper, well written, presents new data or a new view, Must be presented at the Conference. Qualifies for a best paper award

  • “4” – Good paper, valuable contribution to the designated subjects of the conference, but not good for presentation and should be presented for a poster sessions

  • “3” – Acceptable paper, either a valuable contribution, but not so well written, or well written and technically/scientifically questionable

  • “2” – Paper that is not acceptable, either because it is based on questionable concepts or because it is a mere repetition of old stuff

  • “1” – Paper must be rejected because it is not within the scope of the conference, because it is based on faulty concepts, or because it intends to open a political or commercial discussion about specific product or project.

  • The reviewers are requested to submit their judgement in the form of a spread sheet to the Secretary, preferably two weeks before the meeting of the PSC

  • The spread sheet includes the nationality of the main author(s) and the conference theme under which it is submitted for each paper

  • It is recommended that the Secretariat of the PSC prepares the presentation of the list of abstracts in such a way that they are already sorted according to the following:

    •   a) number of papers per theme

    •   b) number of papers accepted and rejected per country

    •   c) flagging of papers by authors from poorly represent regions

    •   d) flagging of papers that fall into a poorly represented theme

    •   e) papers that require language assistance


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