Guidelines Paper Submission
Full Paper Title less than 12 words: Arial 14 pt, bold and centered
First A. Author1 and Second B. Author2
1 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia; first.author@unsw.edu.au
2 Coast & Port Solutions Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand
(Note – the First Author A should be underlined, and they should also be the presenting author and contact)
Lead Author Bio
First name Family name, highest level qualification Ron Cox, Phd
Affiliation University of New South Wales, Sydney
Brief Bio In less than 50 words
Ron has over 40 years of experience as a researcher and consultant across coastal, port, and environmental engineering and climate change, Ron is a Bard member of PIANC ANZ and a member of PIANC International commissions CoCom, EnviCom, and PTGCC. Ron is the Chair of the COPEDEC PSC.
The summary should provide a clear and concise summary of the paper. It should state the study objectives, provide a brief background, outline the work undertaken, and the main findings of the paper. It should follow the theme, title, and content submitted in the original accepted Abstract It should not contain any references to other work and should contain only material included in the main body of the paper. The summary should not be more than 100 words. All Summaries will be available with the program on the Conference app.
Keywords: Please include a maximum of five keywords sufficient to highlight the relevant topics addressed in your paper (e.g. sediment transport, storms, coastal structures).
1. Information for noting
The PIANC COPEDEC conference will not include any full peer review of final papers.
Final Papers are to follow the theme, title, and content submitted in the original accepted Abstract. Authors are encouraged to include new material not published elsewhere. Final Papers should avoid the promotion of any commercial product or services.
Final papers will be checked by the Paper Selection Committee as to the meeting format and language standards. Acceptance or otherwise of the Final Paper is at the discretion of the Conference Paper Selection Committee whose decision is final
Authors are to submit a final paper in the double-column format following this template. The text (preferably between 1000 and 2500 words), together with tables, figures, and equations should fill at least 2 pages but not exceed 6 pages. The file size should not exceed 10 MB.
Final papers will be published in COPEDEC Conference proceedings and included on the Conference website. All conference attendees will receive a copy of all papers on USB.
The deadline for submission of the 100 word Summary and the 2 to 6 page Final Paper is 9 June 2023. Presenters of final papers are required
to register by 15 July 2023. Earlier submission and registration is encouraged.
2. Introduction
The main purpose of an introduction is to outline the rationale for the paper, its objectives, and to summarise key background information to provide context to the new work being presented in the main body of the paper.
3.Main body of paper
The contents of the main body of the paper will vary but it is likely that it will contain:
Material studied;
Location and relevant site descriptions;
Methods and techniques;
Acknowledgements; and
4.Formatting and other details0020
The paper should be prepared and submitted electronically in Microsoft Word (.docx) format so that it can be directly uploaded electronically to the proceedings (for publication), conference website and USB. There will be no printed proceedings.
There are predefined styles for most aspects of the paper (including one for headings, figures, tables, equations and references.
Please copy the style of this template, e.g. use of bold headings (‘Heading 1’ style), single line spacing, two column format for the main paper, and Arial 10 pt for main text.
The work should be set out logically. Use subheadings where appropriate but keep the hierarchy simple (no more than 2 layers).
Figures and Tables
Figures, either diagrams or photographs must be placed in the body of the text. They need to be cited and numbered consecutively (i.e. Figure 1, Figure 2 etc.), and appear as soon as possible after its first mention. When referring to a figure, use capitals in the text (e.g. “It can be seen in Figure 1 that...”). The figure should have a caption that contains enough information to make the combination of figure and caption self-explanatory. Note that caption font is 9pt Arial.
Figures may be in black and white or colour. The proceedings will be published electronically so colour is available All figures and tables should be fully legible on-screen at 100% viewing
Figure 1 Picture title (Source: Author (Year)). Note the three-sentence rule for figure captions: (1) what are we looking at; (2) a feature that you wish to emphasise, i.e. the reason for the figure being included; and (3) the significance or consequence of that feature
All figures and tables should be embedded in the electronic file of the paper as a picture or object, and not as a separate linked file. Figures should not have the automatically generated borders, which, for example, Excel will do by default.
Tables should be treated in a similar fashion to figures. The caption should appear at the top of the table, unlike the figure where the caption appears below. As an example, Table 1 sets out the formatting requirements of the paper. If in doubt, please contact the conference Secretariat.
Tables and figures may span both columns if necessary.
Table 1 Formatting requirements for papers
Equations should be numbered in the text and referred to by the number (e.g. “The results of using Equation 1...”). The equation and number should be in italics, right justified, and inset. An example is included below.
where E = energy; m = mass; and c = speed of light.
Discussion and Conclusion
The main aim of these author guidelines is to ensure that when all the papers appear in the electronic proceedings there is some uniformity in the presentation. These guidelines have been prepared in Microsoft Word 2007. It is expected that papers will look similar in format to these guidelines and will be compatible with the required electronic format for publication. The organizing committee reserves the right to reject a paper that does not conform to the format guidelines presented here.
Ensure, as far as possible, that on the last page the columns are evened up (use a ‘Column Break’).
Referencing should follow the Harvard Referencing System. When referenced in the text, the author’s surname should be followed by year of publication in brackets. List and number in square brackets all bibliographical references in 9 pt Arial, each separated by 6 pt line space at the end of your paper. Do not include references as footnotes. Only papers cited in the text should be listed in the references section. The references should be sorted alphabetically.
An example of referencing from the text :- “… as outlined by Smith (1989) ….”
[1] Allen, A.B., Jones C.D. and Roberts E.F. (Date).Article Title, Journal, volume, pp. 1-10.
[2] Jones, D. (1994), Dredge data collection, in: Brown L. J., Goldsmith P. M., and Bull I. R. (Eds),
Townsville Port Authority Capital Dredging Works 1993: Environmental Monitoring Program,
pp. 125–147, Townsville Port Authority, Townsville.
[3] Smith, A. (1989), Report writing can be tedious, Journal of Academic Pursuits, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 34–78.